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eISSN: 2379-6367

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal

Short Communication Volume 11 Issue 5

Breaking the stability barrier: a novel formulation for tigecycline offers extended clinical flexibility

Renan Marcel Bonilha Dezena

Preformulation Specialist Consultant, Pharmaceutical Industry, Brazil

Correspondence: Renan Marcel Bonilha Dezena, Preformulation Specialist Consultant, Pharmaceutical Industry, Brazil, Tel 5519991361228

Received: December 19, 2023 | Published: December 28, 2023

Citation: Dezena RMB. Breaking the stability barrier: a novel formulation for tigecycline offers extended clinical flexibility. Pharm Pharmacol Int J. 2023;11(5):183-184. DOI: 10.15406/ppij.2023.11.00419

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Tigecycline, a potent antibiotic within the tetracycline family, has long faced a significant challenge in clinical administration due to its poor stability.1 Susceptibility to oxidation and nonenzymatic epimerization, especially at higher pH values, has restricted its usage in ambulatory settings and limited exploration into its potential antileukemic activity.2 In response to these challenges, a groundbreaking formulation has been developed, promising to extend tigecycline's stability after reconstitution and open new avenues for clinical applications.3

Degradation mechanism

The susceptibility of Tigecycline to rapid oxidation following reconstitution in solution has been a persistent challenge in its formulation and administration.4 At the heart of this vulnerability lies the chemical structure of Tigecycline, characterized by the presence of a phenol moiety.5 This phenolic group, a well-known entity in organic chemistry, stands out for its predisposition to oxidation, thereby becoming the predominant route of degradation under conditions of manufacture, storage, and administration.5

Phenols, compounds featuring an aromatic ring with an attached hydroxyl group, are notorious for their reactivity with oxygen.6 Tigecycline's chemical structure incorporates such a phenol moiety, making it particularly prone to oxidative processes. The oxidation of phenols involves the removal of electrons from the hydroxyl group, leading to the formation of reactive intermediates and ultimately resulting in the degradation of the molecule.7

In the case of Tigecycline, this oxidation phenomenon is accentuated by the reconstitution of the antibiotic in solution. When dissolved in water, the pH of the solution tends to be slightly basic (around 7.8), a condition that further exacerbates the vulnerability of the phenolic group to oxidation. Under these circumstances, the phenolic group becomes deprotonated, rendering it more susceptible to reactions with oxygen.5

The challenge of managing Tigecycline's oxidation is not confined to its aqueous solution but extends to the entire lifecycle of the drug, encompassing manufacturing, storage, and eventual administration. During the manufacturing process, the formation of Tigecycline in lyophilized powder form occurs under reduced oxygen conditions and low temperatures. This meticulous preparation is necessitated by the compound's propensity for degradation, emphasizing the significance of minimizing exposure to oxygen.5

To address these inherent challenges associated with Tigecycline's susceptibility to oxidation, ongoing research and formulation innovations have become imperative. The quest for a stable and effective formulation revolves around strategic adjustments, such as exploring the impact of pH levels and the incorporation of stabilizing agents, exemplified by the successful association of Tigecycline with lactose in the formulation of Tygacil. In essence, Tigecycline's vulnerability to oxidation, rooted in its chemical structure with a phenol moiety, underscores the intricate balance that pharmaceutical scientists must strike in developing formulations that maintain the drug's efficacy and stability throughout its life cycle.

Current clinical challenges

Tigecycline's instability, particularly after reconstitution, has necessitated its formulation as a lyophilized powder or cake. Even with the inclusion of stabilizing excipients like lactose monohydrate and pH-adjusting agents such as hydrochloric acid/sodium hydroxide in the marketed formulation Tygacil, the stability is limited to a mere 6 hours at room temperature following reconstitution and an additional 18 hours once diluted for intravenous administration.3 This constraint has hindered its use in ambulatory care and exploration of potential antileukemic activities.

Formulation innovation

In response to the clinical limitations posed by tigecycline's instability, researchers have devised a novel formulation aimed at preserving the drug's stability after reconstitution for an impressive 7 days. By meticulously investigating the impact of various chemical additives on tigecycline stability, the formulation was fine-tuned to enhance the drug's antibacterial and antileukemic activities while significantly extending its stability.3

Key additives and mechanisms

The novel formulation, consisting of 3 mg/mL ascorbic acid and 60 mg/mL pyruvate in saline solution (pH 7.0), emerged as a breakthrough. These additives, acting as oxygen-reducing agents, protect tigecycline from oxidative degradation through complementary mechanisms. Ascorbic acid, a water-soluble sugar acid with antioxidant properties, blocks chain reactions during tigecycline auto-oxidation. Simultaneously, sodium pyruvate, an antioxidant derived from glycolysis, provides a second layer of protection, ensuring the drug's stability over an extended period.3

Evaluating formulation efficacy

The researchers conducted a rigorous evaluation of the novel formulation, comparing it with other additives and assessing its stability in varying conditions. Ascorbic acid and pyruvate, either alone or in combination, demonstrated superior stabilization of tigecycline. Notably, the novel formulation increased tigecycline stability 25-fold compared to reconstitution in saline alone after 72 hours.3

Clinical implications

This groundbreaking formulation not only addresses the challenge of tigecycline stability but also holds significant promise for expanding its clinical utility. The extended stability of tigecycline in the novel formulation allows for more flexible dosing schedules, facilitates drug preparation, and supports ambulatory infusion scenarios that were previously hindered by the drug's limited stability.3

Impact on antileukemic activity

Maintaining the antibacterial and antileukemic activities of tigecycline is crucial for its potential applications in diverse clinical contexts. The novel formulation succeeded in preserving these activities, offering hope for further exploration in treating acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and potentially other conditions.3

Future perspectives

As the novel formulation advances through additional toxicology and pharmacology studies, it holds promise for clinical testing in human patients. The potential for more flexible dosing schedules and ambulatory infusions, coupled with preserved pharmacological activities, positions this formulation as a game-changer in the clinical landscape of tigecycline administration.


The quest to overcome tigecycline's stability limitations has led to a remarkable formulation breakthrough. The novel combination of ascorbic acid and pyruvate not only extends the stability of tigecycline after reconstitution but also preserves its essential antibacterial and antileukemic activities. This innovation opens new horizons for ambulatory care, providing clinicians with more flexibility in dosing and drug preparation timelines, and holds promise for the future of tigecycline in diverse clinical scenarios.



Conflicts of interest

Author declares that there is no conflict of interest.


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