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eISSN: 2379-6367

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal (PPIJ) is an internationally acclaimed open access peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of pharmacy and pharmacology with focus on the mechanism of action of chemicals in biological systems. New research on how drug action may be optimized by new technologies and attention is given to understanding and improving drug interactions in the body. At the same time, the journal maintains its established and well-respected core strengths in areas such as pharmaceutics and drug delivery, experimental and clinical pharmacology, biopharmaceutics and drug disposition, and drugs from natural sources. PPIJ is delighted to accept research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-reviews, opinions, letter to editors, etc.

Latest Articles

Research Article Open Access

LC-MS analysis of Urtica urens water extracts: active ingredients and their impact on beta-hematin formation

Saleh Abu-Lafi,1 Maram Zagharneh,2 Qassem Abu-Remeleh,3 Mahmoud Khalid,2 Mutaz Akkawi3

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - September 17, 2024

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Research Article Open Access

Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) towards antibiotic use and its resistance among the general public in Klang Valley

Nida Sajid Ali Bangash, Xiao Kiong Ngui, Zhi Xuan Ooi, Jia Xin Teoh

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - September 9, 2024

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Review Article Open Access

Mechanotransduction alterations in tissue-engineered tumor models for new drug interventions

Nipun Jain,1 Yusuf Olatunji Waidi,1 Souvik Debnath,1 Vilay Vannaladsaysy,2 Sudipto Datta1

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - September 3, 2024

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Short Communication Open Access

Access to medications in pediatric patient with hereditary angioedema: the role of the pharmacist

Elena Vega,1 Luciana Parisia,2 Marta Fungo,3 Liliana Bessone4

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - August 26, 2024

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Short Communication Open Access

Biomarkers of septic shock to predict hospital mortality in major burns undergoing antimicrobial therapy during the systemic inflammatory response syndrome

Silvia R C J Santos,1 Leonard de Vinci Kanda Kupa,1 Mauro Jorge Santos,1 Thais Vieira de Camargo,1 Aline Sandre Gomides Abad,2 Gabriela Aparecida Ferreira,2 Thiago Câmara de Oliveira,2 Débora Cristina Sanches,2 Edvaldo Vieira de Campos,2 João Manoel da Silva Jr,2 Maria Severina dos Santos,3 Nilo José Coelho Duarte,3 Paschoalina Romano,3 Persio de Almeida Rezende Ebner,3 David de Souza Gomez2

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - August 19, 2024

Research Article Open Access

A critical examination of labeling practices in herbal medicinal products

Bernardo Gonzaga Figueiredo Faria,1 Renata Adriana Labanca2

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - August 8, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Exploring the potency of wild sage (Salvia officinalis): UPLC-PDA-ESi-MS phytochemical profiling and inhibitory activity against β-Hematin

Saleh Abu-Lafi,1 Carine Said,2 Qassem Abu-Remeleh,3 Mahmoud Khalid,2 Mutaz Akkawi3

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - July 5, 2024

Case Series Open Access

Combination treatment of WHO standard drugs and Artemisia Afra for pulmonary tuberculosis - a Pilot study of 25 multi resistant patients

Pascal Gisenya,1 Serge Kahatwa,1 Patrick E Ogwang,2 Elkan Katotola, Adele Ntezahorigwa, Claudette Ndayininahaze,3 David Wang, William Wang4

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - May 27, 2024

Research Article Open Access

Combating bacterial resistance to Meropenem by infusion strategy applied to septic burn patients with vasopressor requirements or acute kidney injury to achieve the target

Silvia R C J Santos,1,2 Thais Vieira de Camargo,1 Karina Brandt Vianna,1 Leonard de Vinci Kanda Kupa,1 Beatriz Aparecida Passos Bismara Paranhos,1 Mauricio Yonamine,1 Valentina Porta,1 Aline Sandre Gomides Abad,2 Gabriela Aparecida Ferreira,2 Thiago de Oliveira Câmara,2 Débora C Sanches Pinto,2 Edvaldo Vieira de Campos,2 João Manoel da Silva Junior,2 David de Souza Gomez2

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - May 22, 2024

Mini Review Open Access

Medication reconciliation in in-patients with chronic pathologies: a narrative review

Elena María Vega, Macarena Mora-Villaseñor, Pía Córdova-Mariángel, Pola Fernández-Rocca, Tamara Sandoval-Quijada

Pharmacy & Pharmacology International Journal - May 10, 2024