Genetic characterization of bacteria in bioremediation of soil polluted by waste motor oil: safe vegetal consume Celeste Saucedo-Martínez,1 Iván LeónBalderas,1 Juan Luis Ignacio de la Cruz,1 Elda María Beltrán-Peña,2 Gustavo Santoyo,1 Juan Manuel Sanchez-Yañez1 PDF | Full text | Share
Endometriosis: pathophysiology, market analysis, and research landscape Shlyakhovaya Eva, Tawil Bill PDF | Full text | Share
Earliness and productivity of popcorn corn lines from the ‘UENF-14’ population for obtaining mini-maize Ariane Cardoso Costa, Romário Vargas Garcia, Mayara Cazadini Carlos, Silvio de Jesus Freitas PDF | Full text | Share
Photosynthate, heavy metals contents, biochemical characteristics and anatomical responses in Telfairia occidentalis. and Amaranthus hybridus collected within akure metropolis Akinbode Foluso Ologundudu,1 Emmanuel Omooye,2 Akinbuwa Makinde3 PDF | Full text | Share