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Journal of
eISSN: 2373-6445

Psychology & Clinical Psychiatry

Short Communication Volume 16 Issue 1

Extended abstract with questionnaire synthesis of behavioral economics (SBE)

Torben Larsen,1 Jyoti Satpathy2

1Retired EU/FP7 Coordinator from University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2Berhampur University Odisha, India

Correspondence: Torben Larsen, Retired, EU Coordinator from University of Southern Denmark, MSc Econ et Strat Man, Denmark, Tel (+45) 28707135

Received: December 23, 2024 | Published: January 15, 2025

Citation: Larsen T, Satpathy J. Extended abstract with questionnaire synthesis of behavioral economics (SBE). J Psychol Clin Psychiatry. 2025;16(1):6-7. DOI: 10.15406/jpcpy.2025.16.00804

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The Novo Nordisk Foundation has called for a Synthesis of Global Science on behalf of international

Top decision-makers including the UN. Such synthesis must guide on both individual economic behavior and the 17 UN goals 2015 for sustainable development. (Figure 1)

Figure 1 on Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP).

This utilitarian synthesis of behavioral economics (SBE) is by Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP)1 and Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) in modules guiding on individual behavior (B) and policy (P). Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) orders Big5 Tempers by risk-willingness for guidance of individual economic behavior.1

NeP in Figure 1. bases on:

  1. Risk-will function as identified by neuroeconomic trials (NeM)
  2. Correlation between risk-willingness and the Big5 Typology (Temper) and guides on:

B1: Simplified sensi-training to the Big5 and:

B2: Entrepreneurship as moderate risk-willingness (Pilot-in-the-Plane)

B3: Identifies Extravert and Conscientious as subjective biases in science

B4: Stress-management by relaxation exercises

B5: NeP facilitates mutual understanding between genders

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) serves the priority of goods, services and solidarity in healthcare and is operated as Quality-Adjusted Life Years (QALY) for comparison of outcomes. In SBE, the scope of HTA is expanded to a Universal Technology Assessment (UTA)2 by inclusion of the environment to serve all the 17 UN SDGs,3 see Formula:

P1: The marginal net QALY effect of the 3P in UTA becomes negative before 2050 making Mankind pushing a net burden to future generations! Mainstream Economics recommends a CO2 Tariff on the polluter (ET) to prevent such a scenario. ET was invented by Pigou 100 years ago, but today it weakens national competitiveness due to the internationalization of the economy by free trade.

Alternatively, a subsidy direct to alternatives to fossil energy (ES) is as strong an incentive to substitute fossil energy technology as ET, but without loading national competitiveness. In order to put the whole climate challenge in perspective, it's estimated that an ES at the level of 150 USD per ton CO2 emission avoided is enough. Such ES has a gross budget of 3% of the global GDP which would more than be paid back by savings on climate damages.

P2. As a means to assure socioeconomic equality and simplify personal taxes, Universal Basic Income (UBI) is recommended by Nobel Laureates.

P3: 5 Short-term national policies for optimal economic growth.

P4: UTA is based on the 3P which calls for democratic collaboration across-the- center as an alternative to the democratic history of fighting-of-wings.

P5: UTA divides the global economy in Global North and Global South by income. This identifies India as the largest developing economy in the Global South with a potential to join the group of rich countries already about 2030.

PS! Give your feedback on SBE filling out the Questionnaire:

Questionnaire: Benefit of Synthesis of Global Science (SGS)

Neuroeconomic Psychology (NeP) and Universal Technology Assessment (UTA) form a Synthesis of Global Science (SGS), aimed at guiding individual economic behavior and democratic economic policy. Please indicate your benefit from SGS by answering the questions below and submitting the completed questionnaire as a PDF to:

Personal Background Information



Gender (M/F)







(1 = Poor, 2 = Acceptable, 3 = Good, 4 = Very Good, 5 = Excellent)


 Rating (1-5)

1.                   Can SGS guide you on sustainable development


2.                   Can you explain SGS to others


3.                   Can you identify subjective biases in science


4.                   Is UTA useful to you for collective prioritization


5.                   Is NeP useful to guide your economic behavior


6.                   Is Yoga/Meditation/Biofeedback relevant to you


7.                   Would you pay 3% of your personal income for ES


8.                   Can democracy make sustainable policies


9.                   Is a 'Social Welfare State (EUROPE)” your prototype


10.                Can socio economists guide the public on SGS


State your frank final proposals to improve SGS:






Creative Commons Attribution License

©2025 Larsen, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.