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Journal of
eISSN: 2379-6359

Otolaryngology-ENT Research

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research (JOENTR) is an interdisciplinary open access peer reviewed journal focused towards publishing of the most complete and reliable source of research information and current developments in the concerned field. The journal mainly focuses on ear, nose, and throat research. The journal scope also includes recent advancements in clinical, medical and surgical fields of ENT. This journal is driven with a strong desire to provide information on recent research and advances in the field of otolaryngology. JOENTR aims to publish the most complete and reliable source of information on discoveries and current developments in the mode of research papers, review articles, short communications, case reports, mini-reviews, opinions, letter to editors etc.,

Latest Articles

Research Article Open Access

Costal cartilage graft for treatment of empty nose – a new technic

Oscimar Benedito Sofia, José Eduardo Lutaif Dolci, Eduardo Landini Lutaif Dolci

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - September 17, 2024

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Review Article Open Access

Case Report Open Access

Peri-apical granuloma presenting as a chronic cystic swelling in the hard palate: a case report

Apoorva Kumar Pandey, Fatma Anjum, Saqib Ahmed, Aparna Bhardwaj 

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - September 6, 2024

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Review Article Open Access

A novel concept for adenoidectomy surgery 

Sangeet Kumar Poddar  

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - September 2, 2024

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Editorial Open Access

Self-fit vs audiologist-fit hearing aids 

Douglas L Beck

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - August 12, 2024

Review Article Open Access

Ankyloglossia: misinformation vs. evidence regarding its effects on feeding, speech, and other functions

Ann W Kummer

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - August 12, 2024

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Review Article Open Access

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a review 

Ivonne Delgado Juan, Charlys José Rojas Cordero, Lic Isvel Perón Carmenates

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - August 1, 2024

Editorial Open Access

Review Article Open Access

Early detection of hearing loss in infants by using otoacoustic emission at national center of hearing and speech

Adnan Qahtan Khalaf, Lana Nariman AbdulKareem, May Nariman Abdul-Kareem, Manal Ibrahim Muslim 

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - June 18, 2024

Case Report Open Access

Clivus chordoma: a surgical challenge using the endonasal endoscopic technique

Caroline S. Caixeta, Tiago V. Souza, Luciana B. Pessoa, Patrícia R. Nunes 

Journal of Otolaryngology-ENT Research - May 15, 2024