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Neurology & Stroke

Review Article Volume 14 Issue 6

Chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy in boxing Prevention and follow-up: review article

José Guadalupe García Zavala

Deparmen of Neurology, Michoacán University of San Nicholas of hidalgo, Mexico

Correspondence: José Guadalupe García Zavala, MD, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Department of Neurology, Michoacán University of San Nicholas of hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico, Chief Medical Officer, Michoacán State Athletic Commission, Mexico

Received: October 15, 2024 | Published: October 30, 2024

Citation: Zavala JGG. Chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy in boxing Prevention and follow-up: review article. J Neurol Stroke. 2024;14(6):180-184. DOI: 10.15406/jnsk.2024.14.00605

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Chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy is a neurodegenerative disease resulting from the accumulation of numerous craniocerebral traumas, for which there is no definitive pre-mortem diagnosis or specific treatment. Risk factors associated with chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy include: exposure to contact sports, the presence of apolipoprotein E4, and advanced age. Histopathological, although it shares certain characteristics with Alzheimer's disease, it has a more specific presentation (deposition of phosphorylated tau protein in the form of neurofibrillary tangles, associated with an accumulation of neuropil elements, sometimes accompanied by beta-amyloid plaques). Clinically, it is characterized by a slow course that begins with mild cognitive and emotional symptoms, and progresses towards the appearance of parkinsonian symptoms and dementia. Although there are promising diagnostic elements, they are not currently a reality, and the key to managing this disease is prevention and early detection of its first symptoms.

Keywords: dementia, encephalopathy, knockout, boxing


Chronic post-traumatic encephalopathy (CPE) is a nosological entity that is defined as a progressive neurological deterioration, secondary to the accumulation of repeated head traumas.1,2 Within the broad spectrum that constitutes CPE, dementia pugilistica (DP) is a neurodegenerative condition resulting from the accumulation of phosphorylated tau protein in certain locations of the CNS, the result of repeated traumatic brain injuries (TBI) suffered by athletes who practice contact sports. It was initially described in boxers as "punch drunk syndrome", specifically in 1928 by Dr. Harrison Martland,3 and it was during the 1960s that the term "pugilistic dementia" was coined. For simplicity of understanding, we will consider the terms CPE and DP as interchangeable. The term "concussion", although ambiguous, is defined by the Center for the Control and Detection of Mild Cranial Trauma as a mild TBI with a score on the Glasgow Coma Scale between 13 and 15, which is associated with a loss of consciousness of a duration considered to last, amnesia of the episode and/or immediate confusion after the trauma.

In recent years, there has been growing popular interest in the impact that mild TBI has on the development of neurocognitive activities and the possible degree of disability associated in the long term. This interest has been transferred to the scientific community, and although there are some reported cases whose purpose is to describe histopathological alterations, as well as other studies carried out in animals, the material we have on the physiological bases, diagnostic methods and prognostic factors and protectors is still scarce. Our objective will be to analyze, through an exhaustive review of the literature, the predictive and risk factors for the development of CPE, as well as the current diagnostic methods that allow the physician to correctly identify the initial phases of the disease, prevent its development.


Mild TBI is one of the most common neurological disorders, constituting 90% of all attacks that occur on the brain parenchyma.4 Epidemiological studies that allow us to determine the true frequency of CPE or PD are simply non-existent.5 It is estimated that approximately 17% of retired professional boxers have CPE,6 being a rare disease in the subgroup of amateur boxers.5 In a review carried out by McKee et al.7 of the 51 cases diagnosed with DBS, 46 (90%) were professional athletes. For the most part, these athletes participated in contact sports, especially boxing and American football, beginning their practice at an early age.7 However, the appearance of symptoms rarely occurs before its withdrawal.5

Risk factors

Several risk factors in CPE have been described, including retirement after the age of 28, a long professional career or having participated in a high number of combats.6 Episodes of concussion and head trauma expose the athlete to the risk of suffering from this disease.7 There is a clear relationship between the number of out of combat episodes-also known as knockouts or K.O.-with the probability of developing DP.8 In a study carried out by Crisco et al.9 on university American football players, they observed that the severity of the impacts received by the athletes varied depending on the position they had on their team. These results are in line with the histopathological study developed by McKee et al.7 in which the 5 soccer players who were diagnosed with CPE played in similar positions, that is, in those positions that They suffered from less energy in each impact, but withstood a greater number of blows.9 Likewise, it is our hypothesis that these variations are also likely to be found in boxing, depending on the category in which the fighters compete. With this assumption, and extracting the results of Crisco et al.9 and McKee et al., the lighter weight fighters would be those exposed to a greater number of blows (although these were of lower intensity) and, therefore, it would be This category is the most susceptible to developing a neurological condition compatible with CPE in the long term. It seems reasonable that to develop CPE it is necessary for the individual to suffer head trauma. However, not all players who are subjected to these traumas develop this disease. Therefore, it would be interesting to elucidate the factors associated with this progression. One of the big questions raised by the study of PD or CPE is whether a single blow is capable of causing it. Johnson et al.10 observed that one third of individuals who had suffered a head injury had neurofibrillary deposits, while this finding was exceptional in healthy controls who had not been subjected to any trauma. In a study carried out on an animal model, Laurer et al.11 determined that the changes that occur in neurocognitive studies, as well as in histopathological findings, occurred both in individuals who had been subjected to a single trauma and in those who suffered repeated traumas in less than 24 hours, although these changes were much more pronounced in the second group. Therefore, it is logical to think that the severity and presentation of this disease requires repeated head trauma, and that its risk increases when said trauma is shortened in time. Age is another possible risk factor. Although at an early age a TBI would trigger neuro-destructive enzymatic cascades that will continue throughout their professional career,12 young individuals have greater neuronal plasticity, and, therefore, it is the older patients who present a higher risk.13

Among the genetic factors involved, the apolipoprotein E (apoE) gene deserves special mention. ApoE is a protein of 299 amino acids that is encoded in a gene (ApoE) for which there are 3 allelic variables (E2, E3 and E4) that occur with a frequency of 7, 78 and 15%, respectively in white subjects.14 ApoE is produced in glial cells and is the major transporter of lipids through the cerebrospinal fluid. It is also responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of microtubules within the axon and neuron. The apoE4 allele is involved in the prognosis and presentation of certain neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer's disease (AD),15 subarachnoid hemorrhage,16 head trauma,17,18 as well as ischemia that occurs after head trauma.19 The presence of the apoE4 allele is also associated with larger intracerebral hematomas.19 The brain that has suffered trauma is especially sensitive to ischemia, so the secondary insults that occur will condition a worse evolution. Various studies have shown a poorer prognosis in TBI due to the existence of the E4 allele.18,20 Jordan et al.21 demonstrated, in a study carried out on professional boxers, that subjects who had worse scores on neurocognitive tests had at least one apoE4 allele. These authors concluded that the apoE4 allele may be associated with greater severity of long-term TBI damage in highly exposed boxers.22–35


The first studies on the biophysics of head trauma and concussion, carried out on primates, concluded that the phenomenon of concussion was fundamentally produced by rotational acceleration and shear forces, with the phenomenon of impact and countercoup being less important.36,37 Although the model in primates is quite similar to concussion in humans, these studies are limited by the small number of the sample. In recent years, progress has been made in experiments based on telemetry data obtained from the helmets of athletes from different professional and university contact sports leagues.38,39 The results of these investigations determined that the greatest tension forces were imparted on the region corresponding to the central structures of the diencephalon and telencephalon,40 in such a way that these forces applied to structures such as the midbrain (ascending reticular substance), corpus callosum and fornix They are responsible for the episode of loss of consciousness, amnesia and cognitive dysfunction.7,40 Crisco et al.9 determined that the impacts that occurred on the cranial vertex presented the lowest rotational force, but a significant linear force, and these traumas were associated with fractures of the cervical spine. On the contrary, blows that occurred on the side subjected the head to a large rotational acceleration force, which was responsible for the concussion and loss of consciousness. The concept of "cognitive reserve" refers to the ability of the nervous system to develop alternative systems or pathways that allow it to compensate for initial deficits.41 When certain associated degenerative mechanisms (age, toxins, trauma, etc.) are present, cognitive capacity is overwhelmed and compensation mechanisms become insufficient, facilitating a decrease in the performance of neurocognitive parameters.

Clinical manifestations

While concussion and the post-concussive episode represent temporary states of neuronal and axonal deterioration, CPE is a neurodegenerative disease that occurs years or decades after recovery from the acute and subacute symptoms of head trauma. Although the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome can remain for long periods of time, they usually resolve in the first 3 months.13 On the other hand, the symptoms of CPE evolve over time and are, therefore, degenerative. The symptoms of CPE usually begin in the middle ages of life, typically when the athlete has already retired from his professional career, although in some individuals they may begin to manifest cognitive alterations early. In fact, memory and attention failures, as well as deficits in frontal and executive functions, are the first symptoms, all of them neurocognitive, to manifest in this spectrum of the disease, and they are present in almost all patients at certain times initials of this illness.7 Subsequently, neuropsychological alterations tend to be noticeable, although many of these manifestations are present from the initial phases, although they usually go unnoticed, given that they are often difficult to differentiate from the individual's premorbid personality traits.5 In particular, these changes in mood and behavior are defined by family and friends as apathy, aggressiveness, irritability and unjustified anger, and are reported in up to a third of patients who suffer from a condition compatible with CPE.7

The use of neuropsychological tests is of special importance in the early diagnosis of the disease and the monitoring of players exposed to contact sports, since psycho-cognitive changes usually persist longer, despite the disappearance of the most obvious motor neurological symptoms in the post-concussive period, and can determine management and the decision to return to play if psychological and behavioral symptoms are still present.42 In a similar way, motor symptoms may appear, being clearly present in up to 40% of subjects with DBS, according to the series by McKee et al.7 Within this type of alterations, mild dysarthria and discrete stability alterations are usually early, which are usually revealed very early with the Romberg test5.As the symptoms progress, ataxia, coordination disorders, spasticity and parkinsonism appear.43 In very rare cases, dementia develops in the context of CPE13. The relative infrequency of this last phase could be due to the early mortality associated with suicide, although this association is not clearly established in the literature.44



The role of conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in preventing the deleterious effects of head trauma is quite limited. In conventional MRI sequences, CPE shows a series of nonspecific changes. Without However, these changes occur once there is established structural damage to the brain parenchyma, which will most likely inevitably lead (if it has not already) to CPE. Nuclear medicine: positron emission tomography-computed tomography.45–59

Using glucose labeled with fluorine-18 we can estimate cerebral metabolic consumption59. Functional neuroimaging techniques have excellent sensitivity for detecting alterations after TBI, in addition to offering good anatomoclinical correlation.60 In a study carried out on animals61, a triphasic temporal pattern was identified regarding the metabolic consumption of glucose in individuals who had suffered a head injury. An initial brief response of hyperglycolysis was followed by a relatively prolonged period of metabolic depression associated with neurological deficits. Finally, in the third phase, a recovery of metabolic function took place in the most relevant areas. A similar triphasic pattern has been found in humans.62,63 Several studies show that patients with good neurological recovery have greater metabolic consumption of glucose.63,64 Studies based on photon emission tomography (SPECT) have not shown the same consistency in their results.65 The usefulness of these imaging tests is currently controversial, although there seems to be a trend in which these studies could identify athletes with a greater chance of developing PD-CPE.

Therapeutics and prevention

Currently, there are few proven lines of treatment that stop the development of this disease, and most efforts are aimed at "relieving" or "palliating" the presence of motor, neuropsychological and cognitive symptoms. The use of selegiline has been proposed by Colosimo and Albanese as a treatment aimed at preventing the progression of the disease in a boxer, but its use is not widespread.66 The empirical use of antiparkinsonian drugs (levodopa) is recommended in patients who present disabling motor symptoms.5 It is not clear that the use of cholinergic agents stops or improves cognitive symptoms.67,68 The bulk of preventive strategies are aimed at avoiding prolonged exposure to contact sports, as well as detecting those individuals who have an individualized susceptibility to presenting CPE5. For this, genetic detection tests that allow determining the presence of the apoE4 allele are of special importance. The use of appropriate neuropsychological tests selects those individuals who present incipient symptoms and, therefore, allows guiding the management of these patients, guiding the moment at which athletes can join the game.69


CPE is a neurological deterioration associated with the deposition of phosphorylated tau protein caused by the repeated load of numerous head traumas that shares findings with neurodegenerative diseases such as AD, with a clinical course that is sometimes indistinguishable, and whose final diagnosis can only be established postmortem. Neuropsychological tests seem to be the most sensitive to detect the initial symptoms of CPE, and allow management rules to be established to guide reintroduction to sports practice. The new MRI sequence techniques (gradient echo, diffusion) and Nuclear Medicine are promising techniques, but they are not a reality in the accurate diagnosis of this disease. Given that there are no specific therapeutic targets, the most plausible strategy currently lies in prevention, avoiding prolonged exposure and determining the most susceptible individuals (genetic study to detect the -apoE4 allele). In boxing, very close monitoring of the participants must be carried out in order to identify early clinical manifestations in athletes who have received many blows to the skull, as well as those who began the practice of boxing at a very early age.



Conflicts of interest

The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest.


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