Review Article Volume 6 Issue 1
1Doctor, Brazil
2Coordinator of the human milk bank of Roraima, Brazil
3Assistant Nurse, Brazil
4Psychologist, Brazil
Correspondence: Matheus Mychael Mazzaro Conchy, Doctor, Brazil, Tel 5592991280077
Received: January 23, 2022 | Published: February 14, 2022
Citation: Conchy MMM, Bentes RS, Furlin SRRN, et al. Experience reports after an internship in the human milk bank. Int J Fam Commun Med. 2022;6(1):30-32. DOI: 10.15406/ijfcm.2022.06.00259
The work has as its main theme the experience of medical students in a human milk bank. Having used the experience of these medical students as a methodology. Having as a conclusion somewhat curious results.
The World Health Organization and the Brazilian Ministry of Health1 support exclusive breastfeeding up to the sixth month of life as a measure to reduce infant mortality, given the direct transfer of maternal antibodies to the newborn, contributing to the newborn's immunity.
Breastfeeding (BF) can be divided into exclusive, predominant and complemented. The first is characterized by the administration of only breast milk (without other types of milk or food sources), to the second type, liquid food items (water and fruits) and breast milk is a preponderant element, and the latter associates solid or semi-solid foods with the aim of complementing and not replacing it.2
Furthermore, scientific publications such as experience reports should be encouraged in order to exchange important information inherent to clinical practice in the BF environment, as early weaning was found to be alarming in Brazil, in which only 41% of infants under six months of age of Brazilian capitals and the Federal District were on EB, that is, the duration was shorter than expected (median of 1.8 months). In addition, there were differences between the regions of Brazil and the North Region had a prevalence of 45.9%.3,4
In relation to the above, this scientific dissertation aims to expose about breastfeeding through an experience report of Medicine students at the Federal University of Roraima in the place of clinical experience of the subject of Gynecology and Obstetrics, that is, Hospital Materno Infant Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, the only maternity hospital in the state of Roraima, located in the extreme of Brazil.
This study was carried out using the bibliographic research method through the PUBMED (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) database and, mainly, from the experience reports of four medical students from the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR), during the pandemic period caused by the Sars-CoV-2 virus, after 5 (five) days of internship at the Human Milk Bank (HMB) of the Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazareth (HMINSN).
Experience reports after internship in the human milk bank
An analysis of the content of the texts produced by the academics during 5 days of internship at HMINSN's HMB reveals curious and impressive results, as all four participants said that they had high satisfaction with the internship, guidance provided by the team and with the aggregation of knowledge for medical and personal training arising from discussions about the importance of raising awareness in the community about breastfeeding.
All participants reported the need for the internship at the HMB to be carried out since the first year of the medical course. In addition, in a somewhat similar way, they reported the positive impacts of the internship in relation to future orientations for mothers on the importance of breastfeeding for the mother-baby binomial.
Participants' reports by interviewer questioning
Interviewer: how was your first contact at HMINSN'S HMB?
It was a very pleasant reception, in which we, interns, felt included in the team, part of it, and not just mere service players as we sometimes feel in other sectors.
Academic 1
During the internship, we were able to get to know the physical structure and principles of the HMB, we got to know the professionals who participated in the team and the importance of interdisciplinarity for effective work. Such factors were essential for us to feel welcomed and really be part of the team.
Academic 2
My first contact at the HMINSN HMB was very fruitful, I felt uncomfortable initially when helping the mothers with the correct latch, due to the fact that I had to touch their breasts, however the teaching of the entire team about the importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding and the complications of an inadequate grip motivated me to overcome this discomfort.
Academic 3
It was an incredible experience, as the practice of breastfeeding is of paramount importance for the knowledge of any doctor, regardless of specialty.
Academic 4
Interviewer: what's your first impression of the wheels at HMINSN's HMB?
It is very important for our training so that we have this experience and practice of correctly latching guidance, the extreme importance of EBF until 6 months when possible and the empathy of understanding when it is not possible and welcoming this mother. In addition to the need we have for the donation of breast milk in which every drop is precious and helps in the growth and maturation of many premature babies!!
Academic 1
It was a very welcoming rotation that sought to demonstrate its essence. This was also positively observed in the assistance provided to mothers who needed help with breastfeeding. Some of them just being in the environment were already able to feel more comfortable offering breastfeeding.
Academic 2
The rotation in the HMB is extremely important in the training not only of a medical student, but for any health professional in training, in view of the numerous benefits of breastfeeding, both for the mother and the baby.
Academic 3
Well organized. There are professionals who zealously teach about the 10 steps of breastfeeding as well as give us tips for professional life on how to advise on the proper latch.
Academic 4
Interviewer: what impact has this wheels having on your life?
It changed my way of working as a team, of seeing the context of each mother and postpartum woman and welcoming them in whatever they need.
Academic 1
We had amazing experiences seeing mothers happy to breastfeed after an orientation and being able to help spread the word about the existence and commitment of the HMB. We feel more competent as future doctors to welcome, help, inform and provide services to women and newborns.
Academic 2
After this rotation, I started to notice the way that mothers, in other health units, breastfeed and I correct the latch if it is inadequate and talk a little about the benefits of breastfeeding.
Academic 3
Using terms closer to colloquial language and easy to understand, it was possible to understand the importance that breastfeeding has in the lives of postpartum women.
Academic 4
Interviewer: how able do you feel to produce guidelines about breastfeeding and milk donation?
I feel able to provide guidance on EBF and milk donation to the HMINSN HMB.
Academic 1
During the rotation, we were able to clarify some doubts we had about the collection and storage of milk, as well as the guidelines regarding positioning and handling. These facts made us have more ownership in the matter and we were able to pass it on to mothers in the simplest way we could. Today we have much more confidence in how to direct them.
Academic 2
After this experience, I feel able to explain about EBF and milk donation, both the benefits and the importance for the mother-child binomial.
Academic 3
Thanks to adequate training on the 10 steps of breastfeeding, I believe I am able to adequately teach a puerperal woman on how to breastfeed.
Academic 4
Interviewer: how was your relationship with the HMINSN HMB team?
Very good and enriching.
Academic 1
It was a unique and very welcoming experience. In fact, they make us part of the team and we ended the rotation defending the principles they passed on to us. They are a highly qualified team and are concerned with offering the best service.
Academic 2
The BLH team is extremely receptive, all 100% capable of receiving students, in addition to the didactics and empathy of the entire team, creating a harmonious and in tune environment.
Academic 3
The communicative and well-educated environment created by the health professionals at the human milk bank is wonderful, allowing medical students to acquire adequate knowledge.
Academic 4
Interviewer: what is the importance of multiprofessional and multidisciplinary work in HMINSN's HMB?
Each one has a fundamental role in welcoming the mother, guiding the latch, helping with difficulties and handling the breast milk received through donations (from handling, pasteurization and so on).
Academic 1
In the process of breastfeeding there are a number of issues involved, physical and psychological. As a result, multiprofessional follow-up is necessary to offer mothers and newborns the best possible care. It is also very important for the milk storage process, since several factors interfere with the quality of the milk that will be delivered, with the need for biochemists, technicians, nurses, speech therapists and others.
Academic 2
Because the HMB meets a range of situations and each one is specific to each patient, it is necessary to have a multidisciplinary and multidisciplinary team for a higher quality care for the mother-child binomial.
Academic 3
The multiprofessional and multidisciplinary character of HMINSN's HMB, formed by the continuous communication of doctors, nurses, speech therapists and nursing technicians, allows the high quality of the service.
Academic 4
The reports of the 4 academics were very curious. It can be seen that the Human Milk Bank of the Hospital Materno Infantil Nossa Senhora de Nazareth is extremely important for the state of Roraima, in addition to being a reference for being linked to the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative. However, more field studies regarding the importance of the rotation in this sector should be carried out, in this way we will have more scientific content for the community.
The author declares there is no conflict of interest.
©2022 Conchy, et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially.