Research Article Volume 14 Issue 6
Managing director, Centro de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Violencia Sexual e Intrafamiliar, México
Correspondence: Alejandro Cuevas-Sosa, Centro de Prevención y Tratamiento de la Violencia Sexual e Intrafamiliar, Apartado Postal 12-206, Ciudad de México, México
Received: October 11, 2021 | Published: November 26, 2021
Citation: Cuevas-Sosa A. Crucifixion or Cross-fiction? Int J Complement Alt Med. 2021;14(6):272-276. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2021.14.00572
In addition to biomatter, the human body includes a bioenergeme (personal component of organised bioenergemal energy; BEG) and also a possible third virtual (temporary, potential) component as well or biointerfaceme. Correspondingly, according to the bioenergemal (BEL) research that I have realised, the unit universe (UU) is formed by biomaterial (BML) universe or space-time; BEL universe, where BEGs arrive after the body biocollapses (dies): and where they remain for indefinite BEL time; and biointerfacemal (BIFL) universe through which BEGs approach the BEL universe. In the BEL communication that we establish (through any usual relaxation technique) with BEGs found either at the BEL or BML universe, the bioimage of a BEG would be a living and acting virtual biointerfaceme, just like the rest of bioimages that are formed during it or in dreams.
Hence, by means of usual mental bioimages (as in dreams) which are usually found while practicing any relaxation technique, my assistants and I were unexpectedly able to establish a reiterated way of interaction with the BEGs of lay persons and of religious figures of the Catholic church (and from other religions), developing, during the last 30 years, not only a BEL terminology but also a quite informative procedure about who really those persons were. For instance, I concluded that the contents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph’s legacy is apocryphal in toto; they ended up accepting it indeed. Likewise, religious figures from other religions also accepted as unfounded their legacy. Of course, with help of different collaborators and of multiple remarkable BEGs from the BEL universe, I have always been able to repeatedly confirm my findings.
Keywords: biomaterial-biointerfacemal-bioenergemal universes, bioenergemal communication, religious figures, bioenergeme, crucifixion, unit universe, Intuilish, bioenergemology, neuromindego
BML, biomaterial; BEL, bioenergemal; BIFL, biointerfacemal; BEG, bioenergeme; UU, unit universe
The following information has been (at first unintentional) obtained by us during 30 years of bioenergemal (BEL) research by means of BEL communication (through relaxation, usually by reciprocal exchange of intuitions, as in dreams) with the bioenergemes ―BEGs; say personal component of organised BEL energy― of persons to be quoted ―and many more― who are found at the BEL universe, where the BEGs arrive after the body biocollapses (dies), whose components are presumably made out of BEL energy.1-3,6 Thus, I commit myself to let openly know that, based on their own inconsistent/contradictory affirmations, the contents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph’s legacy is apocryphal in toto (Table 1).1
Unit universe model
Religious figures’ barrier
In January 1992, I asked myself: What the mental scenes and images of any kind ―from dreams, relaxation or of any other type― are made of? Trying to answer this question, I decided to form a small group for practicing relaxation techniques; then, I suggested everyone to take seriously and respectfully the presence of any living entities, and tried to biodialogue openly with them (to these scenes and images, later, I would call them bioscenes and bioimages; bio- applied as bioenergemal, too; I also replaced ‘mind’ by neuromindego, namely brain, thoughts and ego). Given the irregular attendance of whom practiced relaxation, I invited just one person at a time; until Ruth remained during every BEL communication as my assistant under relaxation, and grasping and transmitting very well to me the answers to my questions on behalf of each invited BEG.1-3,6
Uninvited religious figures of the catholic church appear
Unexpected oasis
On December 1, 1993 we managed to establish BEL communication with Madame Curie for the first time. Motivated for this sudden achievement, I insisted on inviting some scientists and once unexpectedly happened that a person under relaxation could see in her neuromindego three framed portraits, each with a sign with his name ―the first two unknown to her―, they were: Wolfgang Pauli, Paul A. M. Dirac and Albert Einstein. On December 14, 1993, we established BEL communication with Albert Einstein, and on December 29, 1993 with Niels Bohr. We biocommunicated with them asking each one of them some general questions and they encouraged us to go on with what “you are doing.”1,6
Religious figures insist blocking
Nonetheless, religious figures insistently appeared in every participant’s neuromindego, blocking any attempt to biocommunicate with lay persons BEG. Then, I didn’t have other option but to attend the religious figures insistence on being present, and I decided to listen to their suggestions-orders, “teachings” and admonitions, asking them thousands of questions thereafter.1,2,6 Because of my reluctance, on May 24, 1995, Jesus complained of me with presumed God the Father saying “[he] doesn´t follow my directions.”1 Self-styled God the Father answered: “This is the first tantrum of Jesus. Although he has propitiated everything, didn’t expect all to be so fast. You have done things that had not occurred to him… I wanted to see you with that energy [Alejandro]. Jesus wanted to stop what he started, without paying attention to what, in all sincerity, you always told him.”1,2 Between November 10, 1994 and March 22 of 1996 while asking God the Father about his origin and that of his “Creation”, he was unable to answer accurately these questions. “That is, if I understand well ―I told him, as he expected―, you are saying the Creation endorses you as Creator and with it, you emerge to the status of God the Father of that Creation to which you say you have given origin and by which you reveal your own existence and magnitude of your virtues. Right?” These lines liked him, and he immediately replied: “It is a beautiful description, and so it is indeed. As your BEG advance so you all [the humans] will conceive the Creation and my omnipresence, this is how every living being will conceive me. That one is the explanation you all have never wanted to accept. The one that makes lose your sleep and is so simple.”1 These God the Father’s assertions left me unsatisfied and, therefore, doubting if we were really biocommunicating with God the Father or, rather, we were biodialoguing with some other terrestrial BEG that has boasted and boasts about having these attributes.1
Because of these religious figures’ inconsistencies and obvious contradictions, on May 25, 1995, I respectfully but clearly confronted this problem with Jesus. He didn’t wait it, but admitted that I was right and allowed that God the Father had the last word. This one supported what I did and fell off the Catholic religious figures, emphasising that they should recognise my reiterated opposition to preach their word. For about two more years, in many BEL communications, I asked hundreds of questions to God the Father regarding his deeds, aptitudes and so on, and overwhelmed, he told me: “Alejandro, everything is controlled by the spiritual world, don’t worry so much about these issues…” Finally, on January 3, 1997, I questioned God the Father’s dubious answers and asked the Catholic religious figures whether the bioimage of God the Father only was an impersonation of the same Jesus. They felt unveiled and Jesus’s comment was: “Never did I imagine you were to question God the Father and so unmask us all.”1
The lesson of all these incidents was that some bioscenes and bioimages of the human neuromindego on Earth can be elaborated or induced by the same religious figures’ more insistent needs and purposes, and this way, if necessary, say the truth or cheat anybody with a great variety of bioimages, make-believes or fake events.1-2,6 The most notorious and famous examples are the bioimages of the archangels Michel and Gabriel, and of angels, cherubs, seraphs and so on, they all are but human neuromindego/BEGs’ fantasy.1 Regrettable, all these religious figures ―and others to be mentioned― behave as consummated liars and fibbers ―but Moses’ sincerity.1-3,6 Moreover, I have been able to confirm that these ―favourably or not― bioscenes and bioimages can voluntarily or involuntarily be induced by any other ―troubled or not― human BEG at the BEL universe, most probably this has happened throughout human history.1-3,6 For instance, after Grigori Perelman proved in 2006 the Poincare conjecture, we asked Henry Poincare his opinion about this attainment and answered that surely Perelman involuntarily biocommunicated with him.8
On January 4, 2008 we biocommunicated again with Madame Curie and asked her if she remembered our former BEL communication and she said: “O course, I remember it, how could I forget it. On the contrary, thank you for woke me up again.” The fact is that most BEGs at the BEL universe remain somehow drowsy. This BEGs’ drowsiness is the origin of Abraham Lincoln’s quote below.1
Openness of fibbers
According to Jesus, there weren’t The Last Supper, spine crown, wound on his thorax, miracles, nor he was nailed hands and/or feet to the cross. Thus, there probably wasn’t any Crucifixion, instead there’s a cross-fiction.1 Mary and Jesus (uncircumcised) stated that both are from Arabian origin, and Joseph (uncircumcised, too) was a rejected Jew.1 Jesus recognised: “Never before had been talked about my uncircumcision.”1 Jesus verified to have biocollapsed (died)1,3,6 at “76 years old, and with a great and foolish pride of having gotten that many people believed in me ―bragged about―, and of having been the promoters and pioneers of the largest and most perfect business [Catholic church] over the Earth’s face.”1-3,6 Esther ―Mary’s daughter― suddenly told us that apostle Paul’s real name is Kumwai and he admitted was a Black Headed Sumerian’s descendant.1 Nelson Mandela confirmed the ancient African origin of Paul’s real name.1 Likewise, Mary’s real ―and disliked― name was Petra, she and her father assured that;1 additionally, neither Dimas and Gestas1 nor Caiaphas and Barabbas9 existed nor exist as BEGs. Neither Pontius Pilate nor Herod Antipas met Jesus.10
Two possible chromosomal conditions
Firstly, Mary had five children: Jesus, Zuley, Esther, Azae and Judas, three girls and two boys in that sequence, none was Joseph’s child, her couple. Boy Judas biocollapsed as a teenager of cardiopulmonary failure. He was short height and had short neck, big and protruded tongue, and frequent respiratory infections and so on, maybe he had trisomy 21. He was kept permanently confined and mistreated ―perhaps brutalised― in an insalubrious locked hut; if somebody opened it, Mary and Jesus become overwrought. Secondly, we asked apostle Thomas-Jericho ―his real name; uncircumcised rejected Jew― if in the gospel that is awarded to him, he describes Jesus’ Via Crucis, and Thomas-Jericho, hesitating, concisely answered: “Yes,” which is untrue.1,4 Therefore, he didn’t write that gospel. Thomas-Jericho explained to us that was expelled by his own parents from his childhood home trying to avoid being “sacrificed” due to an unacceptable physical condition; probably hypospadias.1 In addition, he had gynecomastia, sparse body hair, small testes, shrill voice, and so on, he could have had an extra X chromosome (47, XXY).1
Uneducated religious figures
Jesus, Mary and Joseph neither knew to count nor measure objects, neither to read nor write. Perhaps only Peter (uncircumcised rejected Jew, too) and Thomas-Jericho knew to write and read, and to count and measure objects. Most probably, all of them (Jesus, Mary, Joseph and apostles) were overweight, mainly Mary and Jesus. According to Ludwig Wittgenstein, Jose Saramago said that this one was the key question.1 Furthermore, Jesus was the shortest of them, either men or women; he avoided the everyday situation of being close to any other person taller than him, and bothered a lot if somebody made fun of his short height; this trait forced him to isolation.1
Way to promote themselves
The main religious figures promote themselves through parasitizing of dreams inducing in/appropriated bioscenes-bioimages in the dreamer conforming to their convenience and improving, thus, their own bioimages.1-3,7 Without this resource, they had been unable to publicise themselves.1 Biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, David and others; besides, Buddha, Lamas, Mohammad, everyone shares the same deeds of parasitizing dreams and they all ―including lay BEGs― kindly agreed with the possibility of publishing it, plus data about their dubious heritage.1 For instance, Jesus disapproved comments on doubtful Gospels’ origin and authorship made during Second Vatican Council, with serious consequences on pope John XXIII.1,5 Even more, pope John Paul II predicted: “Someday the truth will be known and that the Church has ultimately deceived humanity.”1
Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
Buddha affirmed that his parents belonged to a non-royal cast; they were servants indeed, of the “untouchable” cast. He was sexually abused at infancy by Brahmin monks. Desperate by this and defenceless, his mother invented the legend that her son was a “divinity” and, therefore, he shouldn’t be “touched nor seen” and kept him concealed. Currently, Buddha assures having allied himself with Jesus to promote their respective legacy. The truth is that religious figures only deal with themselves, and utilise to their advantage as many persons as each one can.1,6
Sigmund freud commentary
Sigmund freud: “The BEL research has given place to different connections that have been intuited to go clarifying what happens and has happened in the BIFL universe, that is to say, about which had never been spoken. That’s why I pick it up so, although the bioinformation is very vast in the intellectuals and a series of relations has been established among diverse topics, it had not been mentioned, doctor, the importance of the BIFL universe. This finally relates to the BEL universe, about which has not been spoken as such either, although this one, as BEGs and bioenergemity, is part of the existence. It wants to say that about life we know little and that this is why we cannot enjoy it. A hug, doctor, because the deparasitization that has been carried out and the conclusions that will be reached, surely will be able to help humanity and the bioenergemity to see life in a different way and to enjoy it; a hug. Applause is a manifestation of BEL energy, in which the bioenergemity, biointerfacemity and biomaterity are manifested with joy in front of the truth. A moment ago, I intuited and allowed myself to relate, doctor, when my NMEGO raised the social topic and tried to explain the effects that ideas in common produced, now I realize that the approach was totally mistaken, because it is the BEG who biointeracts and biocommunicates. Now, I realize, once again, how one can intuit and at what velocity. I mention this for your BEG intuits while questioning and make us intuit at that same velocity. Moreover, I find very interesting that you had mentioned about the multiple bioidentity of the BEG, mainly of Jesus, and that, at the same time, all [of them] share. In addition, it is interesting because this happens in dreams and in parasitizations of the NMEGO and this explanation you give us, with the tangible evidence of Jesus, is very clear. Teacher!”1
Humans parasitized by religious figures
Isaac Newton was constantly pestered in his nightmares by Jesus and Mary trying to deviate his research work, insistently disturbing/suggesting him that the answer was in the Bible.1 Something similar experienced in their dreams: Rene Descartes, Henri-Louis Bergson, Joan of Arc, Ines de Asbaje, John Bosco, Michel Nostradamus, Charles Darwin and his wife, Hendrik Lorentz, Winston Churchill, Harry Truman, Hirohito, Francisco Franco, John XXIII, Mao Zedong, John Paul II and many outstanding BEGs more.1
End of an historical age
Before these findings, biblical Noah criticised: “The stupid idea of not accepting the existence of our BEG and of supposing that life exists thanks to the human.”1 Abraham Lincoln regretted: “Knowing that we bioenergemally exist and not being clear what for is disgraceful.”1,3 Charles Darwin specified: “The human will remain confuse until he knows and accepts the existence of the BEL energy…”1 Bertrand Russell protested: “It is outrageous!”1 Since 2010, indignant, Madame Curie decided not to be named ‘Marie’, it results “disgusting” to her now.1,3 Noam Chomsky backed up: “…here [at the BEL universe] there is neither an earlier nor a later; there is an Intuilish.”1
Final remarks
This is an analytical summary of my undeterred BEL odyssey. Doubtless, I was pushed to involve in an undesired responsibility, which carried unexpected implications such as feeling forced to question well-known religious figures, and facing the dilemma of having to let know these uncomfortable ―for me― discoveries. All these can be easily confirmed through a simple relaxation experience (see Key Messages).1-3,6 Lastly, Stephen Hawking’s BEG said: “…I only add that, in my case, I’m life, too.”1
I acknowledge Ruth A. López-Téllez for her clever assistance and permanent help.
Author declares that there are no conflicts of interest.
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