Mini Review Volume 9 Issue 6
Comprehensive Review on Homeopathic Uses of Acid benzoicum
Saeed Ahmad,2 Shifa Shafique2
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1Department of Pharmacy, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
2Faculty of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine, Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan
Correspondence: Shifa Shafique, Faculty of Pharmacy and Alternative Medicine, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, Pakistan, Tel +923074999457
Received: May 22, 2016 | Published: December 7, 2017
Citation: Ahmad S, shaffique S (2017) Comprehensive Review on Homeopathic Uses of Acid Benzoicum . Int J Complement Alt Med 9(6): 00316. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2017.09.00316
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Background: Calophyllum inophyllumis traditionally used plant for treatment of various diseases such as phthisis, orchitis and lung affections, laxative; a leaf extract is used to treat sore eyes, hemorrhoids and dysentery, sores, ulcers, boils and skin rash, migraine and vertigo; the oil of this plant is used externally as an analgesic against rheumatism and sciatica, and as a medication against swellings, ulcers, scabies, ringworm, boils and itch and also as heart tonic. Since 18th century it is well known plant due to many pharmacological activities. It is also important because Homeopathic remedy Acid benzoicum is prepared from this plant which is useful for various diseases.
Objective: In the present review, attempt has been made to gather the botanical, ethno–botanical, taxonomy, phytochemistry, Homeopathic pharmacological information of homeopathic medicine Acid benzoicum.
Study Method: Information was collected from various researches on animal and human models regarding actions of benzoic acid. Homoeopathic prescribing areas of Acid benzoicum have been studied and analyzed from books, websites and search engine Google scholar.
Result: Acid benzoicum have prominent action in the treatment of tonsillitis, fungal infection, allergy, autism, vomiting, nausea, ulceration and gouty rheumatism in animal and human model.
Conclusion: It is concluded from present review that Acid benzoicum could be a best homeopathic remedy for treatment of fungal infection, ulcers, vomiting, nausea, tonsillitis and rheumatism. However further studies are required to validate these findings.
Keywords: acid benzoicum, phytochemistry, homeopathic uses, tonsillitis, fungal infection,
Acid benzoicum is a homeopathic remedy is prepared from the Benzoic acid. Benzoic acid is an organic acid derived from the gum of the plant of Calophyllum inophyllum. Calophyllum inophyllum is ever green plant present in tropical countries. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from many sources i.e. plant sources, animal sources, mineral sources, Imponderabilia, Nosodes and Sarcodes. Homeopathy/homoeopathy is an alternative system of medicine, it is a branch of medical science in which very diluted substances are used to cure the diseases.1 It is derived from two word homos means same and pathos means sufferings/diseases. Homeopathy is based on principal of similarity i.e., likes cure likes.2,3
Chemical formula (Figures 1 & 2)
Figure 1 Chemical formula of benzoic acid.
Figure 2 Plant profile of Calophyllum inophyllum.
Taxonomical classification
Kingdom Order Class Family Genus Species
Plantae Theales Magnoliopsida Guttiferae Calophyllum Calophyllum inophyllum
Common name
Alexandrian Laurel, Beach Calophyllum, Borneo Mahogany.
Pharmacological action
Benzoic acid reacts with the glycol of the body and forms the carboxylic acid and secreted from the urine.4 It effects on the kidney and causes congestion of the kidney. It converts the uric acid in to carboxylic acid and excretes from the kidney. It delays the decomposition of urine. It also acts on joints and gives rheumatic complaints and joints become filled with uric acid phosphate.
Homeopathic uses of acid benzoicum
- Antifungal property ofAcid benzoicum: Fungal infections are very common in tropical countries. A study was conducted to reveal the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicine against Candidia albicans. Disc method was used as gold standard to evaluate the inhibitory effect of Homeopathic medicine. In this study the ketoconazole was used as standard drug to compare the results.12 Homeopathic medicines including Acid benzoicum were used and shown 16mm inhibitory zone. Results documented that Homeopathic medicine Acid benzoicum was comparable to standard drug. The study supports that the Homeopathic medicines are not only showing in vivo effects but also invitro effects as well and revealing that Homeopathic system of medicine is scientific system of medicine.5
- Acid benzoicumfor treatment of tonsillitis: Homeopathic system of medicine restores the vital force and treats the chronic tonsillitis. Acid benzoicumis the best ever remedy for treating the chronic tonsillitis.4
- Effect of Acid benzoicum in urethral calculi: In vivo study was conducted on 24 goats having complaints of urethral calculi. Ammonium chloride, ammonium bi carbonate and a combination of Homeopathic medicine containing Acid benzoicum30C and six other medicines were given. Results were recorded and show that the ammonium chloride is more effective than Homeopathic combination. An in vivo study conducted on 24 goats to document the surgical management. The study was conducted on two phases in first phase the surgical procedure of cystomoy and laparoscopy was done and comparison between two procedure were recorded and it is documented that cystomoy was more effective than laparoscopic procedure. In second phase of the study the experimental design of medicine administration were same as that of study conducted Dubey A.6 Results shows that Acid benzoicum in formulation form is not effective is resolving the renal calculi in goats.7
- Acid benzoicum for treatment of allergy: A Homeopathic formulation Tox chord is a combination of 29 medicines including Acid benzoicum in 18X is very effective in treatment of allergy.8
- Acid benzoicum for neurological disorder: Homeopathic medicine is also effective in treatment of neurological disorder. Autism is mental condition in which it is difficult to communicate with the people arounding. A Homeopathic formulation containing Acid benzoicumin higher potency is effective in treatment of autism .A study was conducted on 45 Patients of autism in 2009. Results illustrates that in 29 Patients there is improved social behavior while in 15 patients no improvement is seen and in only 1 patient there is no observation is made.9
- Acid benzoicum in the treatment of rheumatism: Acid benzoicum is used for relieving rheumatic complaints .It is the best remedy for treatment of the rheumatic complaints. It is indicated in the patient suffering with hyperuricemia. It diminishes the uric acid from the body in the form of fetid urine. It is prescribed in all situation associated with hyperuricemia such as nephrotic colic, dysuria, pus in the urine and renal calculi. It is also indicated in the patients for ulcerated tongue, poor process of digestion, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, obstruction of liver and abdominal colic with flatulence.
- Acid benzoicum in treatment of infection: It is also indicated in infection of the genitalia, chronic gonorrhea with smarting pain in the urethra and with much soreness. It is the best remedy for treatment of the asthma, bronchitis and pneumonia with marked green expectoration. Cough which causes difficulty in breathing and makes the patient awaken all night. The therapeutic indication of the Acid benzoicum is in the treatment of skin ulceration, infection, pigmentation warts and in urticarial condition. Dull pain in the lumbar region with marked weakness and stiffness of the region in this complaint acid benzoicum is indicated.
- Acid benzoicum for relieving gout: Acid benzoicum acts on the joints and fibrous tissues and joints becomes filled with acid phosphate. Homeopathy is a scientific system of medicine which based on principal like cures like. It cures the gouty nodosites. It effects the joints rheumatism of right sided which shift towards left side. The nature of complaints is shifting, ascending type and syphilitic in nature. Complaints are aggravated in morning and relived in evening. It is documented that Dr. Bayes prescribed the Acid benzoicum and treated many patients. It is not the remedy of the heart troubles but when heart troubles accompanied with the rheumatism. Acid benzoicum is prescribed for palpation of the heart and temporal arteries with rheumatic complaints.10
- Acid benzoicum for relieving female complaints: In female for prolonging lochia and menses, prolapse of uterus and in amenorrhea with acrid and smelly discharges.
Study method
Information was collected from various researches on animal and human models regarding actions of benzoic acid. Homoeopathic prescribing areas of Acid benzoicum have been studied and analyzed from books, websites and search engine Google scholar.
Acid benzoicum have prominent action in the treatment of tonsillitis, fungal infection, allergy, autism, vomiting, nausea, ulceration and gouty rheumatism in animal and human model.
It is concluded from present review that Acid benzoicum could be a best homeopathic remedy for treatment of fungal infection, ulcers, vomiting, nausea, tonsillitis and rheumatism. However further studies are required to validate these findings.
Conflicts of interest
Author declares that there are no conflicts of interest.
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