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eISSN: 2576-4462

Horticulture International Journal

Research Article Volume 3 Issue 6

Role of biochar on soil fertility improvement and greenhouse gases sequestration

Dereje Dejene,1 Eyob Tilahun2

1Department of Natural Resource Management, Wolkite University, Ethiopia
2Department of Natural Resource Management, Debre Tabor University, Ethiopia

Correspondence: Dereje Dejene, Department of Natural, Resource Management, Wolkite University, Ethiopia, Tel +251912307790

Received: October 22, 2019 | Published: December 11, 2019

Citation: Dejene D, Tilahun E. Role of biochar on soil fertility improvement and greenhouse gases sequestration. Horticult Int J. 2019;3(6):291?298. DOI: 10.15406/hij.2019.03.00144

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Biochar is mostly porous, stable C rich, formed at high temperature, highly serpent and nutrient rich material. The objective of this work was to understand the role of biochar on soil fertility improvement and greenhouse gases sequestration. Biochar application can improve soil fertility by manipulating soil properties that is soil porosity, soil water holding capacity, soil aggregation soil reaction (pH), soil organic carbon these soil physicochemical properties improved and the soil becomes safe nutrient rich to support plant growth. In addition biochar application increases the activities and population rhizobia species in the soil. Emissions of greenhouse gases were suppressed by application of biochar in agricultural fields. Soil contaminant effectively adsorbed, suppressed biodegradation and leaching of contaminants in to ground water. The efficiency of biochar’s depends on feedstock type, pyrolysis temperature. Biochar is the most eco-friendly technology that should be used for soil fertility improvement and reduced the emission of greenhouse gases.

Keywords: Biochar, soil fertility, greenhouse gases emission, remediation


Soil fertility decline and greenhouse gase emission has been perceived as widespread treating challenges in the world.1 According to Jones et al.2 crop production shared about 10 to 12% of global greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions and land conversion from forest and pasture to croplands, soil and biomass carbon that accounts an additional 12 to 20% of global GHG emissions and to overcome these bottlenecks, Bichar amendment has been recognized as best method.

International Biochar Initiative (IBI) defined biochar as ‘‘a solid material obtained from the thermo-chemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment’’.3 Others also defined it as a carbon-rich and mostly alkaline material produced by thermo-chemical conversion of organic materials such as agricultural residues and municipal wastes in a controlled low-oxygen environment.4 Following, Paris agreement on climate change mitigation held in December 2015, many countries have been paid attention in biochar application due to different benefits. Even some countries have been forced their people not to burn residual materials in open field. For example, in China, straw burning in open field was strictly forbidden according to the state calls for alternative treatments of waste as raw material for biochar.5

Addition of biochar to soil showed increased plant growth and crop yield, improved soil properties,7 enhanced the bioavailability of nutrients, improved stress tolerance of plants to salinity, drought, heavy metal toxicity and high temperature8 and also decreased soil nutrients leaching.9 Biochar has also received increasing attention due to its ability to mitigate climate change10 due to high carbon sequestration capacity.11 Basically, amendment of biochar reduced emission of soil nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4),12 and had capable of offsetting about 12% of anthropogenic CO2-C emission.13 In addition to this, biochar has been suggested as one of the most eco-friendly and promising approach to reduce environmental contaminants.14


General objective

The general objective of this review was to understand role of biochar on soil fertility improvement and greenhouse gases sequestration

Specific objectives

Based on the general objective mentioned above, the following specific objectives were stated as.

  1. To recognize the role of biochar in soil fertility improvement and
  2. To recognize the role of biochar in greenhouse gases sequestration and gaps

Significance of the review

Presence of different research findings about the role of biochar in soil fertility improvement and greenhouse gases sequestration were known at large but most of these findings were scattered. So, this reviewed document will help readers to accesses compiled data. 

Scope of the review

As much as possible, the review was focused at findings and reports that have done around the globe about the role of biochar in soil fertility and greenhouse gases sequestration.


Published articles (62 article with peer reviewed, 3 article with single author), 1 organizational report, 1 in-press paper, totally 67 references were used. An as much as possible, latest article which contains quantitative data were searched in Google Scholar and purposively selected. Endnote software was used for citation in the text and end reference by using APA style of referencing with synchronization of it with seminar wring guideline of CDAN of Mekelle university.

Review of literature and discussion

Characteristics of biochar

Biochar is carbon-rich,15 and has high chemical and biological stability.16 Usually, biochar has high porosity, large specific surface area, adsorption ability, and high cation exchange capacity.17 The elemental composition of biochar usually includes higher proportion of C.15 The characteristic of biochar depends by feedstock type and pyrolysis temperature18 as indicated from the (Table 1) (Figure 1).





(cm3 g-1)

(m2 g-1)

(Cmol kg-1)


Feed lot







Cantrell et al.68

Feed lot







Cantrell et al.68








Ahmad et al.14








Ahmad et al.14

Turkey litter







Cantrell et al.68

Turkey litter







Cantrell et al.68

Tire rubber







Lian et al.52

Tire rubber







Lian et al.52

Tire rubber







Lian et al.52

Tire rubber







Lian et al.52








Eyob and Dereje, in press








Eyob and Dereje, in press








Eyob and Dereje, in press

Rice straw







Eyob and Dereje, in press

Table 1 Characteristics of biochar produced from different feedstock and pyrolysis temperature
Where: PV pore volume and SA surface area

Figure 1 Diagrammatic presentation of porous nature of biochar (source: Li et al., 2017).

The role of biochar in soil fertility

Effects of biochar on soil properties

Soil porosity: Hseu et al.19 reported that amending of rice husk biochar to soil increased the abundance of macro-pores and micro-pores from 4 to 27% and 11 to 54%, respectively. Similarly, Gamage et al.20 reported that the application of rice husk biochar significantly increased the porosity of clayey textured soils. These increased results could be attributed to soil particle rearrangement due to biochar application.

Soil water holding capacity: Soil moisture content of wood-land increased from 6 to 25% after the application of green waste biochar at the rate of 20 t ha-1.21 Similarly, Li et al.22 reported that overall average runoff decreased by 28% after the application of rice straw biochar at a rate of 20 t ha-1 over the period of 2 years when compared to that of a control treatment. The reduction in runoff was attributed to the strong water retention effect of biochar. Uzoma et al.23 found that sandy soils with biochar amendment showed increase in water holding capacity from 0.2 to 56.1%. Dan et al.24 also confirmed that treatment of soil with biochar significantly increased the water holding capacity of sandy soils.

Soil aggregation: Application of biochar has shown positive effect on soil aggregation.25 Zhang26 also reported that addition of biochar in a loamy soil significantly promoted the formation and stabilization of macro-aggregates. Likewise, Lu et al.25 observed that addition of rice husk biochar increased soil aggregation more than three times that of original pore space (from 8 to 36%) in Vertisol. Similarly, Ouyang et al.27 revealed that the amending of dairy manure biochar to the soil significantly promoted the formation of aggregates in both silty-clay and sandy-loam textured soils. 

Soil pH: Increased soil pH as a result of biochar application has been extensively investigated in agricultural soils15 and Rhoades et al.28 also reported that the combined application of biochar with rate of (20tha-1) and mulch (37 t ha-1) increased soil pH from 5.7 to 6.4 in forest soil. 

The observed increase in soil pH may be simply due to the addition of alkaline material29 or biochar application decreases the exchangeable aluminum content of soils through binding Al3+ ion by oxygenated functional groups on its surface, thereby increasing the abundance of soil exchangeable base cations that ultimately resulting in a soil pH increase.30 So, biochar has been used as an excellent alternative amendment of acidic soil reclamation to increase soil pH.30 However, some studies have shown no effect of biochar application on pH of forest soils.31 These contradicting findings among different studies may be attributed due to differences in biochar feedstock, the pyrolysis process, and diverse soil properties.

Soil organic carbon: Concentration of soil organic carbon content showed increase after addition of biochar as reported by Laird et al.32 Wang et al.33 also reported that addition of biochar at the rate of (5 tha-1) significantly increased soil organic carbon content. Primary reason for these observations could be due to presence of stable carbon in the biochar that is difficult to decompose in soil environments, thus contributing to the soil carbon pool.34

Biochar as nutrients source and bio-availability: Biochar application increases nutrients content and bioavailability for plants since biochar itself contains various nutrients.35 Biochar produced from wood waste materials generally contains high levels of soluble K and variable concentrations of P and Ca.36

Sackett et al.31 observed that bio-available K, Ca and Mg concentrations significantly increased after biochar application at a rate of (5 tha-1). In addition, Gundale et al.37 reported that biochar addition at a rate of (10 tha-1) increased the soil’s net N mineralization rate and NH4+ concentration. Other studies also have shown that biochar application increased other nutrient concentrations including silica and boron.38

Lehmann et al.39 pointed that the immediate beneficial effects of biochar application on plant growth and yield in tropical soils can be attributed to the increased concentration of Ca, Cu, K, P, and Zn. However, the effect of biochar application on plant growth and yield over the long term was mainly due to modifying nutrient bioavailability rather than via the direct supply of nutrients from biochar (Figure 2).40 

Figure 2 Conceptual framework for effects of biochar application on soil properties and green house gases emission.

Biochar based microbs: It has been reported that population of rhizobia associated with chickpea was higher in biochare amended soil due to suitability of biochar as carrier of microbes.41 Saranya et al.42 reported that applying biochar with Azospirillum significantly increased the rhizosphere population of Azospirillum and other diazotrophic microorganisms.

In addition, biochar-based microbes promoted plant growth and nutrient uptake.43 The biochar-based seed coating with microbes also improved germination, root and shoot growth, chlorophyll content, and phosphorous uptake of plants.44 Nodule number of lupine plants where seeds were treated with biochar based microbes was increased by up to 146% under drought stress conditions compared to none biochare based.45 Generally, due to porous nature of biochar, microbes living inside pores may get better protected from external factors such as drought, adverse pH, or toxic substances in soil.46 

Effects of biochar on greenhouse gases emission

Soil co2 emission: Most of recent findings reported that soil treated with biochar decreased CO2 emission or no effect. Sun et al.47 found that application of biochar with rate of 30tha-1 significantly reduced CO2 emissions by 31.5% in forest soil. But, Sackett et al.31 and Zhou et al.48 found that biochar application did not affect the CO2 emissions as indicated in (Table 2).            

Soil type                                                  

Biochar type                                        



CO2 emission                              

CH4 uptake                    




Corn silage
(500 °C)

1 w/w

105 days

Not significant

Not significant


Malghani et al.56


Chicken manure
(540 °C)

10%, w/w

84 days






Sugar maple wood
(500 °C)

5, 10, &
20 t ha-1

24 days




Mitchell et al.49


(420 °C)


25 days



Not significant

Hawthorne et al.58


(420 °C)

10%, w/w

25 days



Increased by 191%

Hawthorne et al.58


Wheat straw
(450 °C)

30 t ha-1

1 year

Decreased by 31.5%


D Decreased by 25.5%

SSun et al.25


Bamboo leaf
(500 °C)

5 t ha-1

1 year

Not significant



Wang et al.33


Mixed maple &
spruce sawdust
(350–450 °C)

5 t ha-1

1 year

Not significant

Not significant

Not significant


Sackett et al.31


Bamboo leaf
(500 °C)

5t ha-1

1 year



Decreased by 20.5

Xiao et al.54


Douglas-fir slash
(420 °C)

20 t ha-1

3 months

Increased by 6.6%

Decreased by 8.4


Johnson et al.50


Chicken manure
(400 °C)

24 t ha-1

1 year


Not significant

Not significant

Lin et al.22


(800 °C)

10 and 30 t ha-1

16 months

Not significant



Zhou et al.48


(800 °C)

10 and 30 t ha-1

16 months

Not significant



Zhou et al.48

Table 2 Effect of biochar application the green house gases emission in forest soils

On other hand, Mitchell et al.49 reported that the application of sugar maple biochar with rate of (5, 10, and 20 t ha-1) significantly increased soil CO2 emissions in a temperate forest soil. Similarly, Johnson et al.50 also reported increased CO2 emissions from a biochar-amended soil compared to that of emissions from the untreated control soil (Table 2).

The variability of effects of biochar application on soil CO2 flux in the above studies might be due to differences in the type and rate of biochar applied, vegetation and soil types, in addition to the time period between CO2 measurement and biochar application.51 

Soil CH4 emission: Addition of biochar suppressed CH4 emission especially from waterlogged rice paddy soil as reported by Liu et al.52 and also application of chicken manure biochar significantly decreased CH4 emission in forest soil.53 Biochar amendment significantly decreased soil CH4 emission in an intensively managed plantation regardless of the application rate.54 Amendment of biochar decreased soil bulk density and increased soil porosity which favors CH4 oxidation and uptake activity by soil bacteria.55

However, some studies has been indicated that application of biochar did not affect soil CH4 emissions,31 had no significant effect on the CH4 emissions from a deciduous forest soil,56,57 no significant difference in CH4 flux between biochar-treated and control soils in a temperate hardwood forest,31 and application of it with rate of (24 tha-1) did not affect CH4 emission in a sub-tropic acidic forest soil22 (Table 2).

Contrary to these findings, Mitchell et al.49 reported that the application of sugar maple biochar (5, 10, and 20 t ha-1) significantly increased soil CO2 emissions in a temperate forest soil. Johnson et al.50 also reported increased CO2 emissions from a biochar-amended soil compared to the emissions from the untreated control soil. Hawthorne et al.58 also reported significantly higher CO2 fluxes (increased by 191%) from soil treated with 10% biochar compared to the emissions from the same soil treated with 1% biochar. According to Yongfu et al.59 mechanisms underlying CH4 flux from soils after biochar application and especially concerning with microbial metabolism were complicated. 

Soil N2O emission: Evidence concerning the potential for reduced N2O emissions as a result of biochar application in dry land soils has been confirmed in many farmland soils.60 Sun et al.47 found that the application of biochar with the rate of 30 tha-1 significantly decreased cumulative N2O emission in forest soil by 25.5%. Likewise, Xiao et al.54 reported that biochar application with rate of 5 t ha-1 in the forest soil reduced annual average flux and annual cumulative total soil N2O emissions by 27.4 and 20.5%, respectively when compared to that of the untreated. Rondon et al.61 also reported that 50% and 80% reduction of N2O emissions under soybean and grass systems, respectively due to biochar addition.

However, application of biochar with rate of (5 tha-1) in a temperate hardwood forest did not change soil N2O emission.31 On other hand, Clough et al.62 reported that N2O emissions increased after the application of biochar to the soil. Similarly, Hawthorne et al.58 reported that amending of 10% biochar in a forest soil significantly increased N2O emissions. Thus, why and how biochar addition on soil increased N2O emission processes was quite complicated.59 

Soil contamination: According to Jones et al.63 application of biochar with rate of (25 tha-1) was the most effective for soil contaminant adsorption, suppressed biodegradation and leaching of contaminants into groundwater. Yu et al.64 also reported that biochar produced from woodchips and cotton straw which pyrolyzed at 850ºC resulted a remarkable decrease in the uptake of pesticides by the plants grown in contaminated soils. In general, the biochar produced at higher temperatures exhibit higher sorption efficiency for organic contaminant remediation in soil. 

Unlike organic contaminants, heavy metals are non-biodegradable and their bioavailability makes them highly toxic to living organisms.26 But, biochar has been mostly amended to synchronize those toxic heavy metals in contaminated soil65 as indicated in (Figure 3) and (Table 3).66–70

Figure 3 Mechanisms of biochar interaction with inorganic contaminants. Circles in the biochar particle show physical adsorption, I-ion exchange between target metal and exchangeable metal in the biochar, II-electrostatic attraction of an ionic metal, III- precipitation of target metals and IV-electrostatic attraction of cationic metal (Source: Ahmed et al., 2014).


Biochar type



Chloropyrfos & carbofuran                    

Woodchips (450 & 850)


Adsorption due to high surface area and nano-porosity


Bamboo (600 °C)


Reduced leaching due to diffusion and partition


Rice straw


Adsorption due to high surface area and micro-porosity


Hardwood (450 and 600 °C)                     


Sorption due to abundance of micro-pores


Hard wood (400°C)


Mobilization due to enhanced pH

Cadmium and zinc

Hard wood


Immobilization due to enhanced pH


Oak wood (400 °C)


Immobilization by rise in soil pH and adsorption onto biochar

Table 3 Effect of biochar application in contaminated soil
Source cited in Ahmad et al.66

Conclusion and way forwards

Biochar is most eco-friendly technology that should be used for soil fertility improvement and climate change mitigation. But:

  1. The effects of biochar addition on soil N2O emission processes and the mechanisms involved require further investigations
  2. CH4 flux from soils after biochar application especially concerning microbial metabolism require further investigations



Conflicts of interest

Authors declare no conflict of interest exists.


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