Research Article Volume 12 Issue 3
Location and scale under exchangeable errors
DR Jensen
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Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, USA
Correspondence: DR Jensen, Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech, USA
Received: May 23, 2023 | Published: June 29, 2023
Citation: Jensen DR. Location and scale under exchangeable errors. Biom Biostat Int J. 2023;12(3):81-86. DOI: 10.15406/bbij.2023.12.00388
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Classical multivariate analysis rests on observations
mutually independent rows, with dispersion matrix as a direct product
, supported in turn by a rich literature. That independence may fail is modeled here on taking the rows of
to be exchangeably dependent such that
where exchangeability rests on the choice for
. Three choices are considered; each interjects additional parameters into the model; and it remains to ask which, if any, of findings widely known under independence, might apply also under exchangeable dependence. Conventional inferences for the location and scale parameters
are reconsidered. Excluding
these are found to carry over in large part to include the exchangeable errors of this study.
AMS subject classification: 62E15, 62H15, 62J20
Keywords: exchangeable matrix errors, recovered properties, location and scale parameters
The model
asserts the n rows of
to be
–dimensional responses, having location parameters
and with
as an array of random errors. Conventional analysts take the
rows of
to be mutually independent and Gaussian, so that
. To the contrary, independence often fails; venues include multiple time series, econometrics, and empirical adjustments that induce dependencies among the adjusted responses, as in references1,2 for calibrated data. Accordingly, it is instructive to replace independence among rows by exchangeable dependence, on letting
where exchangeably rests on the choice for
In short, the basic foundations remain to be reworked, as in this study with regard to independence. Specifically, with
as Euclidean
–space and
the real matrices of order
then the distribution
is said to be exchangeable provided that
for every
permutation group, a concept due to Johnson.3 In this study exchangeable errors on
are identified; their use is seen to offer a rich class of alternatives to independence. A brief survey follows.
Selected classes of exchangeable errors on
are studied, as are moments for the model
. The focus here centers on
as the conventional location/scale parameters. But since additional parameters are injected into the model on requiring that it should be exchangeable, it is essential to identify those properties, if any, which do carry over to include exchangeable errors.
as stated, with
as the symmetric, positive definite matrices of order
. Vectors and matrices are in bold type, with
as the transpose, inverse, trace, and determinant of
. The unit vector in
is the
and Diag
is block–diagonal. Take
to be the eigenvalues of
. The condition number of
. For
, their direct product is
of order
, and a
–inverse of
such that
Random arrays
to be random, with
as its law of distribution, its expected values in
, and its dispersion matrix in
under moments of first and second orders. Moreover, for displaying the elements of
, the matrix
of order
is taken row–wise through the mapping
of order
as in the following from Jensen DR, et al.4
Proposition 1 i. For
, then
is arrayed as
, often of the form
with elements
- Then for row
the element
is on the diagonal of
, and
is off the diagonal;
iii. For
and fixed
Exchangeable arrays trace to Johnson3 as noted, and since have a rich history. Any mixture of independent, identically distributed
variables in
is exchangeable; a converse of Finetti B5 is that elements of
if exchangeable, are conditionally
given some
. Matrix arrays are considered next; refer also to Aldous.6
Definition 1
- The distribution of
is said to be left–exchangeable provided that
for every
is right–exchangeable provided that
for every
Essential properties may be listed as follow.
Lemma 1 Take
, and
with .
- Let
be exchangeable on
; then
for every
is invariant under
acting by congruence;
- Let
be left–exchangeable ; then
for every
- Let
be right–exchangeable; then
for every
Proof. Clearly
for every
, to give conclusion (i). Conclusions (ii) and (iii) follow as in Definition 1(iii), namely,
; and applying Conclusion (i) in succession to
Classes of exchangeable errors
An early version having exchangeable rows on
, identified in7 as an Exchangeable General Linear Model. This is a block–partitioned version of an equicorrelation matrix, but differing from matrices of type
as considered here and listed in Table 1.
Remark 1 Given
, then
follows on taking
Essential properties may be summarized as follow.
Theorem 1 Consider the classes
of Table 1, together with conditions
to be positive definite. Then
- The classes are closed under congruence by
, i.e. for
, the matrices satisfy
, for each
- For each
, the conditions
be positive definite, are identical for all elements of the classes
- Consider
to be fixed as are
. Corresponding to
is an equivalent subclass, namely
, as given by
having identical values for
, consisting in number as
provided that elements of are distinct.
Proof (i) The conditions
of Table 1 are from Theorem 2 of Jensen DR8;
follows step–by–step on modifying that proof exclusive of
; and
is given in Halperin M.9 (ii) Closure properties for
follow with
, and similarly
reproduces itself. Conclusion (iii) holds for
are invariant under permutations of
, and the members of
clearly are generated from all
permutations of the elements of
if distinct.
Table 1 identifies additional parameters as required to achieve exchangeability. It is essential to examine the manner in which these may affect outcomes of the analysis, specifically, through the singular joint distribution of
functions of
Repeated use is made of
from Proposition 1(iii). In addition,
is the idempotent projection operator onto the error span of the model
Theorem 2 Given
, consider under the classes
of Table 1. Then
for each
- The joint dispersion matrices
of order
under the Table 1 classes are given respectively by
Proof Conclusion (i) follows from
, and
by parallel arguments. Next let
, so that
as in Table 1. Substituting these in succession into expression
gives the displayed matrices (1) for the classes
, respectively.
Table 1 Classes of matrices
as factors of
having exchangeable rows, together with conditions
to be positive definite, where
is of order
In short, Theorem 2 catalogs the essentials of requiring that errors on
be exchangeable as in Table 1. Both
are affected in having properties discordant with those of the conventional
. Specifically, requiring that errors be exchangeable may serve to compromise the evidence contained in with regard to, to be examined subsequently. Details are collected in the following Table 2 as excerpted from Theorem 2.
This concept is central to establishing properties under independence as they may carry over to include exchangeable dependence. To these ends, associate with the classes
the values
from the final row of Table 2.
Lemma 2 Let
be scale invariant, i.e.
;and consider these as they may apply in the exchangeable classes
of Table 1.
- The scale parameters of
are respectively
for the classes of Table 1;
- Properties of
are identical to those for
, for each of the exchangeable classes
Proof. Conclusion (i) is from Table 2 as noted. The proof for (ii) hinges on scaling properties of Wishart matrices, namely, that
, so that if
as in Table 2, then
, the default state. Accordingly, infer that
behaves as if from
in the third row of Table 2, and
behaves as if from
. But
is scale–invariant, so that
, as if from
to complete a proof.
Tests for
A complement to estimation is hypothesis testing under exchangeable errors. First consider
, recall that
are mutually independent; and
- Hotelling’s11 test for
utilizes the statistic
with distribution
of order
degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter
. Under the error classes of Table 1, the principal negative finding of this study is the following.
Lemma 3 Consider
in the classes
, together with
for testing
- That
are independent is met only in the class
- Replacing
in Equation (2) are reciprocals of
, and these typically are unknown;
- In short, the classical tests for
are unsupported in the exchangeable error classes
Proof. (i) The independence of
, namely
, is met only in the class
in Theorem 2, unless
for both
in Equation (1), in which case
. Conclusion (ii) follows from Theorem 2 and Table 2, and Conclusion (iii) follows in summary.
Table 2 Properties of
; moreover, the distribution
is central Wishart of order
, having
degrees of freedom and scale parameters
Inferences for
The dispersion matrix
within the rows of
, and the cross–covariances
between rows, all depend on
. In addition to properties of
as reported in Theorem 2 and Table 2, let
be the error mean squares for the classes
. Essential features are that
for the classes
. Thus
is unbiased for
, whereas
are biased by the factors
. Moreover, as measures of scatter, the generalized variances are related as
, whereas the condition numbers
are identical.
Hypothesis tests
Five tests, historically devised and subsequently used under
are listed in Table 3, to include statements of hypotheses, commonly used test statistics, and references.
As to exchangeable dependence, it remains to identify those of Table 3 that remain viable in the exchangeable classes of Table 1.
Theorem 3 Consider the tests for
as in Table 3 for the classes
of Table 1, in lieu of the conventional
(i) All statistics of Table 3 are scale–invariant;
(ii) For the classes
, properties of the tests of Table 3 are identical to those for
, independently of
Proof As before
, are the scale parameters for
. Conclusion (i) is apparent, where for
, we find on rescaling
, leaving
to be scale–invariant. Conclusion (ii) follows on applying conclusion (i) in order to verify the scale–invariance and applicability of Lemma 2.
Remark 2 These tests accordingly exhibit genuinely nonparametric features, in that each applies for structured distributions in the classes
beyond that of the conventional
Exact distributions of the Table 3 statistics
rarely are known, supported instead by approximations, namely,
, such that
, namely, approximately chi–squared having
degrees of freedom. Details are found in Sections 7.2.1 and 7.2.2 of Rencher12 and 7.3 of Morrison.13 These details are omitted here in the interests of brevity, but suffice to say, those approximations all apply in the exchangeable error classes of this study.
Test statistic
Table 3 Selected hypotheses regarding
; commonly used test statistics; references R to Rencher12 and M to Morrison13
consists of
linear contrasts.
Correlation analyses
Here sample entities depend on
, corresponding parameters are identical functions of
. To these ends take
of orders
, and partition
are simple correlations; the singular values
are the canonical correlations
and the multiple correlations are defined at
Again note that these were derived historically and subsequently used under the independence model
. The question again arises as to whether exchangeable errors may have compromised correlative evidence in
.Results to the contrary are the substance of the following.
Theorem 4 Given
in the exchangeable classes
; consider effects on correlation analyses as prescribed under
(i) Then for all
, the entities
and their properties are identical to those for
(ii) In like manner, for all
, properties of multiple and canonical correlations are identical to those for
(iii) In short, conventional correlation analyses are preserved despite requiring that errors be exchangeable in
Proof. The claims again rest on the fact that sample correlations are scale–invariant functions of
. Conclusions (i), (ii) and (iii) now follow from Lemma 2.
Factor analyses
Within the scope of psychometric, sociometric, and humanistic endeavors, the
paradigm postulates that
such that elements of
comprise the factor loadings, and
the unique variances. In particular, the diagonal elements of
are the communalities. The analysis begins with
, typically utilizing maximum likelihood estimation as in Chapter 13 of Rencher.12 An initial solution
eventually is rotated so as to achieve further desirable properties, since the loadings
are non–unique.
For the case that
, the normal–theory likelihood ratio for testing
and referred to upper critical values of the approximating distribution, namely,
as in expression (13.47) of Rencher.12 These were derived historically and used subsequently for the case that
The extent to which the foregoing algorithm may be applied more generally, to encompass exchangeable errors, is examined in the following.
Theorem 5 Consider the statistic (4) for testing the
model in the classes
, as developed and prescribed for
. Then
(i) For each distribution
, properties of tests using (4) are identical to those under
Proof. As the statistic (4) is scale–invariant, the conclusion again follows from Lemma 2.
In retrospect, taking the conventional
remains an enduring artefact of statistical practice. Exchangeable dependence, where
, is a radical departure, albeit on occasion as being itself fundamental to correct statistical practice. Foundations trace to Johnson3; extensions encompass matrices in
and stochastic sequences in various domains. Representations for two–way arrays include (i) functions of
scalars as in Aldous DJ6 and the related studies14,15; and (ii) as limits of finite exchangeable sequences as in Ivanoff BG.16 for rectangular arrays. Marshall & Olkin17 demonstrated that Schur–concave joint density functions on
are exchangeable; Shaked & Tong18 superimposed partial orderings on exchangeable arrays; and Seneta19 sought to approximate joint probabilities of equicorrelated vectors in
in terms of marginal probabilities and the correlation parameter
.Functional limit theorems for row and column arrays were studied in Ivanoff BG.16 Kallenberg20 examined ergodic properties of exchangeable arrays generated as multivariate samples from a stationary process. In reliability studies, an exchangeable array is considered in Spizzichino F, et al.21 as deriving from a hierarchical model having multivariate negative aging. In addition, a multivariate lognormal frailty model for exchangeable failure time data, having marginal Weibull lifetime distributions, is considered in Stefanescu C.22
Alternative to our studies is equation (1) of Arnold7 having the linear structure of our model
but differing in dispersion. Arnold’s approach differs in reducing his model to a canonical form. Nonetheless, Arnold’s assessment of
serves to confirm our findings in Lemma 3. On the other hand, our examination of, its sample version
, and other second–moment properties, find no parallel in Arnold’s studies. In continuation of those studies, Roy & Fonseca23 sought to extend equation (1), considered as a two–level array, to encompass three levels.
Antecedents to the present study include
in Table 1 from Baldessari10 in lieu of
in the Analysis of Variance; and characterized in24–26 as the class of all within-subject dispersion matrices preserving the validity of conventional
–tests in the analysis of repeated measurements. Moreover, structured matrices of an earlier vintage include the Euclidean distance matrices of Gower,27 namely
, with
diagonal, having applications to linear inference as found in Farebrother.28
In summary, our studies have sought to cover a diversity of topics in multivariate statistical inference from a further perspective, namely, that of exchangeable errors. But at the same time, to acknowledge and to pursue the prospects that requiring exchangeability may serve to compromised the meanings attributed to sample evidence. Specifically, references abound for the vast array of multivariate normal procedures described here as classical, including those amenable to selected exchangeable distributions as shown here. Of the many topics not covered, interested readers are encouraged to undertake further investigations using and adding to the analytical principles demonstrated here.
Conflicts of interest
The author declare that there is no conflicts of interest.
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