Randomized study of the effects of quantum resonance technology application on human psychophysiological parameters Korotkov KG,1 Churganov OA,2 GavrilovaEA2 PDF | Full text | Share
A review on lignin sources and uses Rafael Eloy de Souza,1 Fernando José BorgesGomes,1 Edvá Oliveira Brito,1 Roberto Carlos CostaLelis,1 Larisse Aparecida Ribas Batalha,1 Fernando Almeida Santos,2 Dalton Longue Junior3 PDF | Full text | Share
Moulage in clinical simulation: step-by-step making of a third-degree burn Danielle R dos S Carvalho,1 Patrícia daS Klahr,2 Nícolas P Murcia,3 Melyssa LMedeiros,4 Francisco GMRC Neto1 PDF | Full text | Share
The effect of omega-3 on muscle and non-muscle cells on a 2D fibronectin and in 3D fibrin constructs Sozzi Simon,1 Souza Danilo,1 SidhuKarandeep,1 Garcia Victor,1 Tawil Bill1,2 PDF | Full text | Share
Micropropagation of selected materials of Opuntia ficus indica L through culture in vitro of areols Rodríguez-de la OJL, Ramírez-Pantoja PE PDF | Full text | Share
Characterization of microbial species in the biodegradation of explosives, military shooting range, Kaduna, Nigeria Ayodele A Otaiku,1 A Isyaku Alhaji2 PDF | Full text | Share