Utilization of date juice for the production of lactic acid by streptococcus thermophilus Bouhadi D,1 Raho B,2 Hariri A,1 Benattouche Z,1 Sahnouni F,3 Ould Yerou K,1 Bouallam SA4 PDF | Full text | Share
Biotechnology for formation of aromatic properties of national- foodstuffs on the basis of meat raw material under influence of bacterial crops and chromato-mass-spectrometric analysis of the flavoring components Ivankin AN,1 Semenova AA,2 Nasonova VV,2 Kulikovskii AV,2 Vostrikova NL,2 Rogatin AI,2 Baburina MI2 PDF | Full text | Share
Enhanced β-carotene biosynthesis in recombinant Escherichia coli harboring the bottom portion of mevalonate pathway of Enterococcus faecium VTCC-B-935 isolated in Vietnam Vu Hoai Nam,2 Huyen Trang HT,2 Thu Huong LT,1 Duong Van Cuong1,2 PDF | Full text | Share
Can bio-plastics replace non-biodegradable plastics? Md Mohiuddin Kabir,1 Chowdhury Faiz Hossain,2 Kazuyuki Shimizu3 PDF | Full text | Share
Acute myocardial infarction risk factors and correlation of its markers with serum lipids Azab Elsayed Azab,1 Ata Sedik Ibrahim Elsayed2 PDF | Full text | Share