Manufacturing nanoimprint lithography system to produce efficient microneedles patch for transdermal drug delivery Rizgar N Jiawook PDF | Full text | Share
Transformation of cardamom with the RNA dependent RNA polymerase gene of Cardamom mosaic virus Jebasingh T,1 Backiyarani S,2 Manohari C,3 Archana Somanath,3 Usha R3 PDF | Full text | Share
Chemical composition and activity of bark and leaf extracts of Pinus halepensis and Olea europaea grown in AL-Jabel AL-Akhdar region, Libya against some plant phytopathogens Ahmed SO Mohareb,1 Ibrahim EA Kherallah,1 Mohamed EI Badawy,2 Mohamed ZM Salem,1 Hameda A Yousef1,3 PDF | Full text | Share
Phenotypic cofirmatory disc diffusion test (PCDDT), double disc synergy test (DDST), E-test OS diagnostic tool for detection of extended spectrum beta lactamase (ESΒL) producing Uropathogens Rashid Iqbal,1 Nadeem Ikram,2 Muhammad Shoaib,1,2 Muhammad Javaid Asad,1 Raja Tahir Mehmood,1 Abida Niazi,3 Anam Asghar,4 Bushra Ishfaq,4 Faiza Naseer4 PDF | Full text | Share
New confidence bounds for the mean of a Gaussian distribution versus the classical confidence bounds Vincent AR Camara PDF | Full text | Share
Bio-energy utilization through thermo efficient biomass cook stove for sustainable rural households Kamble AK, Krishi Vidyapeeth PD PDF | Full text | Share