Severe aplastic anemia and pregnancy: case report Benmoussa Amine, Lasri Najat, Tissir Rajaa, Illias Tazi PDF | Full text | Share
Association between family functionality and hypoglycemia in people with type 2 diabetes in primary care Lucila Barajas Rodríguez,1 María Elena Haro Acosta,2 Rebeca Esther Martínez Fierro,3 Alberto Barreras Serrano,4 Joan Dautt Silva5 PDF | Full text | Share
Periodontal health conditions in patients with diabetes in a family medicine unit Naomi Angulo Barrientos,1 María Elena Haro Acosta,2 Guadalupe Angulo Espinoza3 PDF | Full text | Share
Characterization of the operation of the diet in patient diabetic geriatrics Jesús Cuéllar Alvarez,1 Elizabeth Leal Ruíz,2 Leonardo Rodríguez Méndez3 PDF | Full text | Share
Efficacy and tolerance of policresulen in the treatment of the genitourinary syndrome of menopause Franklin José Espitia De La Hoz PDF | Full text | Share